Anti-Ragging Cell
In conformism with the hon’ble Supreme Court judgments and directions, UGC guidelines on curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009, and following the instructions of the affiliating university MAKAUT (formerly known as the West Bengal University of Technology), Rockvale Management College, Kalimpong has formed an Anti-Ragging Committee which will function as the supervisory and advisory committee in preserving culture of ragging free environment in the college.
To maintain a ragging free campus.
To hold zero tolerance policy towards ragging
To maintain an international student community based on discipline, safety, `cordiality, and empathy
1. To keep a continuous and strict vigil to prevent any kind of threat posed by ragging at college.
2. To guard students against all kinds of activities related to the menace of ragging and stop the occurrences of ragging in the college.
To create awareness amongst student about the effect of ragging.
To deal with any incident of ragging brought to the notice of the committee promptly and strictly.
To sensitize students build a ragging free campus.
To generate an atmosphere of discipline.
Rockvale Management College Anti Ragging Cell Members
Capt Prakash Mani Pradhan (Director)
Mr. Benoy Kumar Thakur (Convenor)
Mr. Arun Kumar Pradhan
Mr. Edward Lepcha
Ms. Suchita Pradhan
Dr. Sujama Roy
Members of Student Councils
Class Representatives of 1st Semester

Our mission
To maintain a ragging free campus.
Our vision
To maintain an international student community based on discipline, safety, `cordiality, and empathy